Man placing firewood in a wood stove.

Wood stove and space heater safety


取暖器和柴炉是温暖寒冷房间的好方法, 但这些补充热源的操作应谨慎. According to a 2022 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report that gathered data from 2016 to 2020, space heaters, whether portable or stationary, account for 33% of home heating fires. 此外,88%的家庭供暖火灾平民死亡与空间加热器有关. 他们还造成了80%的火灾相关伤害和55%的家庭火灾相关财产损失. Help reduce the risk of fire with these tips:

Wood stove safety

Wood stoves are a more efficient heat source 比起传统的壁炉,许多单元可以保持一个以上的房间温暖. 为了帮助保持柴火炉的安全运行,请考虑以下提示:

  • Before buying a stove, 向当地消防部门查询有关固体燃料燃烧器具的当地条例.
  • 确保该设备已经过测试,并在国家认可的测试实验室(如UL)进行了测试。.
  • 按照制造商的指示,密切注意清关要求. 如果设备上没有制造商的说明或标签,NFPA建议 与任何可燃物品的间隙应为36英寸, such as curtains or flooring.
  • 安装符合加热器具制造商要求的地板保护器, and extends at least 18" on all sides of the heater, unless the manufacturer states otherwise.
  • 烟囱和烟囱管是否每年进行清洁和检查.
  • 根据制造商的说明,在炉子中只燃烧经过调味的硬木或木屑颗粒.
  • Wait until ashes have cooled before removing them.
  • 将装在有盖金属容器中的骨灰转移到室外 10 feet or more away from the home, and douse them with water.

Space heater safety

Electric space heater safety

辐射空间加热器可以加热它们正前方的任何东西, 而对流加热器可以帮助使整个房间感觉更舒适. To use them safely, consider the following tips:

  • 购买经过国家认可的测试实验室(如UL)认证的设备。.
  • 选择一个自动关闭,如果单位翻倒.
  • Keep it at least three feet from combustible materials such as bedding, curtains and furniture.
  • 让孩子和宠物远离加热器,以避免接触烧伤.
  • Place the unit on a level surface.
  • 直接插入墙上的插座,避免使用延长线.
  • Never use a space heater to dry clothing.
  • 不要让电暖气开着过夜或睡觉.

Kerosene space heater safety

这些设备操作起来相对便宜,可以为你家里的大部分区域供暖. 一些社区限制使用煤油加热器, 因此,在购买或操作设备之前,一定要向当地政府了解潜在的限制. To operate safely, consider the following tips:

  • 购买经过实验室(如UL)测试和批准使用的设备.
  • 只能在通风良好的地方使用,远离火焰或其他热源.
  • 让孩子和宠物远离加热器,以避免接触烧伤.
  • 只使用经批准的清洁1-K级煤油,不要使用汽油.
  • Do not refill a heater until the unit is cool.
  • Refill units outdoors.

Check that all smoke detectors are in working order with fresh batteries. To help protect your home, contact a State Farm® agent today to learn about homeowners insurance, condo insurance and renters insurance offered by State Farm.

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